Wednesday, July 31, 2013


So I'm prepping my costumes and saving ze monies for my upcoming trip to Hotlanta for Dragon*Con 2013. It's not very adventurous or intersting (yet) hence the title "MLIA" (aka my life is average).

Do you ever feel like your life is boring? Or like even beyond boring to booo-ring? I used to be such a badass. I probably would've been voted 'most likely to die doing something extreme' or something like that in high school. Now I'm married, I don't work, don't have kiddos, I kind of study neuroscience (meh), and I don't feel awesome or extreme anymore. I suppose I do Kung Fu...which is pretty badass...and I have purple in my hair (because I don't want to wait until I'm 80 to do this!).

Anyway, I digress. MLIA.

Costumes I'm planning and trying to finish ASAP (any friends who costume know that they will never be finished! lol) I'm going to do my old Mara Jade imperial costume, going to attempt a Femme Darth Maul, going to attempt a non-slutty Stahma Tarr outfit. The MJ is done but could probably use some updates and new ranks. The Lady DM is within a day or two of solid work to be done (but I need to get material for the robes blargh! Add 1 day). Stahma isn't even will be a pretty ballsy undertaking....and I haven't done anything on it yet since I'm trying to finish the Maul >_<.

I wish my life were a little less average... mais c'est la vie >_<

Lee Ann

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