Thursday, June 6, 2013

Great success.

They say the first step is always the hardest. I'm not sure if I've taken my first step or not yet...but I had a pretty productive day today so I'll put a tally in my box vs. life's.

Things that I accomplished: kitchen cleaned, vacuumed, garden watered and tended, Rx picked up, groceries bought, wushu'd, and then gym'd. Since I went to wushu I did arms at the gym with the PT...they are kind of in dead-mode now but pain is weakness leaving the body.

I am: fierce, compassionate, intelligent, wise, graceful, honest, and loving. These are my qualities and essence words :).

So I was flipping through my La Vita Nueva journal to find my essence words that I wrote down a while back and came across some other random crapola that I really here it is (it was in gold in the journal...):

What do I want? 
Where do I want to go from here? 

EVERYTHING in your life has lead you here to this moment -- RIGHT NOW. 

Live for joy! Is there really anything else for us in life? Why do we do things? Answer: To become more joyous! Duh!

What makes me happy and joyous?

Also, on a side note...I've been seeing arrows everywhere lately. I wonder if this is a sign to follow my goal of learning to shoot with a bow and arrow. I'm pretty boss with guns...but I hella suck at arrows...Nate says that I need a lesson and that that will help...I just have this thing with patience and well, not having any. I like things that I'm instantly good at. We'll see. I'll go where the Force leads me and try not to be stubborn. (TRY)

I really think that I need to be more patient with myself as I'm getting back into shape. I know I've lost inches, but the pounds aren't coming off (yay muscle mass). I guess I really shouldn't complain.

I suppose that'll be all for this entry. Nothing mind-blowing, just trying to stay productive and sort "life" out.

Love and MTFBWY

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